Thursday, February 1, 2007

Using Food to Tame Parrots

One thing parrots like is food, especially when they are hungry. This method works well with more timid birds.

Less so with aggressive biting birds.

Firstly remove all food from the cage the day prior to training. No longer than a day, you don't want to starve the bird, just leave him a little hungry and wondering if it is feeding time yet.

Put a small amount of food in a small shallow dish. Hold the dish at arms length and move it slowly into the cage in front of the bird. he will most likely back away at first but when he sees the food he will be torn between grabbing a beak full and flying away.

Be patient and wait for him to come to you. If he is hungry enough he will approach the dish and and, with one eye on you, will peck at the food.

Let him eat from the dish, refilling as necessary.

Repeat this method of feeding him from 2 more days and he will soon look forward to your visits. After the third day, hold your hand under the dish and get closer to your parrot. He may be a little hesitant at first but if he is hungry enough, he will soon get used to your hand being closer.

The next day, hold his food in your hand. Again he may be reluctant at first. Be patient and let him come to you. Soon enough he will literally be eating out of your hand. Once he is comfortable with this, you can put the food down in front of him and gently, with the emphasis on gently, stroke his feathers, talking to him in a quiet voice.

Within a week of feeding him this way, you will no longer need food and can touch or stroke your parrot without him running away.

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