Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Best Types of Parrots for Pets

I am often asked which types of parrots make the best pets. This is a difficult question to answer since much depends on what you are looking for in a pet parrot.

The easiest type to care for is of course the humble budgerigar or parakeet. These can be tamed like a larger parrot and can be great companions, especially for children, but they rarely talk.

At the other extreme is the African Grey, these are intelligent and will quickly pick up a large vocabulary very quickly. Correspondingly, they need a lot more care and will live much longer.

Amazon parrots and Ringneck parrots also make good pets, living about 20 years or so.

Blue and Gold Macaws, or most other Macaws are also worth considering.

Take time to make the decision and talk to other parrot owners about their experiences. You may also want to find out if there is a local parrot rescue society close to you. They will give you good advice and you may also be able to adopt a parrot at much lower cost than buying a young bird.

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