Monday, January 29, 2007

Parrots as Pets

Parrots can make great pets, there's no doubt about that. Although they can get anybody's attention with their beautiful plumage and their remarkable mimicry, they are unlike any other pet. It's true that they can bring a lot of pleasure to their owner but they can be more difficult than other pets to keep happy and healthy.

So, is a parrot for you?

Some species of parrot can live as long as 70 years. That's a long time for a pet. Compare this to the average life expectancy for a dog of maybe 15 years. Your pet parrot could live as long as you. Maybe even survive you. Are you prepared to dedicate that long to a single pet? Don't buy a young parrot if you think your family will get bored with it in 5 or 10 years.

Parrots can also be very noisy. Their screech, like any bird, is very penetrating. Once they learn to talk, they will repeat almost anything. And I mean anything. Are there any words or expressions that you repeat that aren't for public consumption? Your parrot won't care who you have round for dinner. He's happy to repeat them for anybody and everybody.

Parrots can be messy and destructive. You will need to clean their cage frequently. If you let your parrot out to fly around the house he can be destructive, chewing on draperies and furniture when you aren't watching him. They have incredibly strong beaks and chewing comes naturally to them.

Okay, that's some of the bad stuff.

There are also lots of benefits to parrots as pets.

They make great companions and can become very attached to their owners. Teaching them to talk is a lot of fun. They are unique in a house and will no doubt get a lot of attention and admiration from visitors.

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